Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Concept work i created over summer

MY ROAD: This is a quick sketch i did on illustrator  of my road and iv got to say im pretty impressed just because of the simplicity and the thin and thick lines really work, im glad i kept it in black white and grey because i think something this simple can easily get overdone  so just like the drawing itself i decided to keep the colour basic!

If im completely honest, i have no idea what was going through my mind when i sketched these out, but i think there's definitely a good character there somewhere  but the reason i like these is because its just proof that all those life drawing lessons have paid off and im thinking more about the line of action and the essence of the pose.

So this is the final result of my images photoshopped, i think they turned out really well, again i only really chose block colours because i wanted to keep thinks bold and usually when you do all sought of little detail i find it takes the focus off of the actual main part of the image! i felt id make it a sought of 3-piece board which is what you can see at the bottom, just to show diversity to be honest the last one with the wings i wasn't too keen on but i liked the idea behind it so i put it up!

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